Other information you should know

Protecting your privacy

At Caulfield Endoscopy and Glen Eira Day Surgery we will obtain information about you which we utilize from either a medical or a financial point of view. We take all reasonable precautions to ensure that the personal information we collect is accurate, complete and up to date. In this endeavour we do rely on the information you give being accurate.

Type of information we keep about you

Personal information that we collect from you on your admission to hospital, includes your current contact details such as address, phone number, marital status, next of kin and country of birth. This information helps us identify you correctly.

Medical information that is required to ensure safe care during your visit includes your past medical history and medication information. Financial information and health insurance details are requested so that we may process your accounts.

How we collect the information

Caulfield Endoscopy collects personal information in a number of ways, including:

  • Directly from you, when you provide information by phone or in documents such as consent form.
  • From third parties such as our related companies, Medicare and health funds.
  • Your GP will provide a medical referral containing past medical details.

How we use your personal information

  • To provide the clinical care you require.
  • To administer and manage financial services including charging and billing
  • To review the clinical care provided to you as part of our clinical governance program
  • To monitor the services provided to assist with maintaining and improving the facility.
  • To meet our commitments to report mandatory health data to both Commonwealth and State Governments.

Protection of your personal information

  • We store and maintain your personal information according to Australian Standards.
  • All paper records are stored in a locked file with access restricted to the relevant Caulfield Endoscopy and Glen Eira Day Surgery staff.
  • Electronic information is accessed using a secured password.


When having a procedure you are required to complete a consent form. Your doctor is responsible for ensuring you are adequately informed of the proposed procedure. You will have the opportunity to discuss any questions you may have with the doctor prior to your procedure.

Feedback – complaints or compliments

We welcome your comments, both positive and negative, about all aspects of your care at Caulfield Endoscopy. This helps us to continually improve our services by letting us know what works well and what might need to change to improve the quality and safety of care.

We aim to provide you with the best possible care at all times. If this is not your experience, you have the right to make a complaint. Please discuss any complaints or concerns that you have, no matter how big or small with the staff caring for you.

Usually, matters can be resolved immediately. If not, and you would like further assistance, you or your family can speak to the Director of Operations or Director of Nursing.

You may also want to make a phone call to one of the Directors above, when you are home. You may also put your feedback in writing either email or a letter.